Insight into Poland

Andrzejki – a night of predictions


Andrzejki (St. Andrew’s Night) is an evening traditionally set aside for forecasting the future. No, not the kind concerning the GDP or next year’s wheat harvest. But it’s about the matters of the heart. St. Andrew was said to have…

Mariensztat – undiscovered place of Warsaw? Story of the smallest Warsaw’s housing settlement

Mariensztat was the first post-war housing estate in Warsaw. It was built at the same time as the W-Z route, the first large communication investment after II World War which connected the Warsaw districts and was an important transit route…

Planning a trip to Poland

Tyniec Monastery, Poland

So you have already decided to visit Poland? Great! We are sure you won’t regret your decision. You should know that Poland is a country with a great diversity of landscape, nature and architecture, what give the travelers a lot…

Christmas: the spell of magic moments

christmas in Poland

Christmas – one of the most enjoyable and expected time in the year. This magic moments when we leave daily rush and weaknesses behind us, appreciating small joys and pleasures. It’s family time, spending with the closest friends, often spread…

What to see in Poland? 10 most interesting places to visit

most interesting places in Poland

Year by year, Poland attracts a growing number of tourists. We know from our experience that most of them have a good impression about our country. They emphasize that they were enchanted by its diversity, hospitable inhabitants, and the grandeur…

New guaranteed tour: Pearls of the East!

If you are looking for new, unforgettable experiences full of a wild nature, charming little towns with hidden architectural treasures, open-minded local community and delicious regional cuisine, you are in right place! This year we invite you to discover east…

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