Jastarnia hotels

Near Centre

The category “near the town centre” is meant to indicate the hotels located in the north-western section of Jastarnia, towards the direction of Chalupy. During the summer season, it can be especially difficult to find a room in the hotels in Jastarnia. We recommend trying some of the hotels in Jurata, which is in fact a district of Jastarnia. Jurata is a very prestigious resort and one of the favourite summer destinations for Polish celebrities and politicians.

    Jastarnia hotel market

    The summer seaside resort of Jastarnia is located on the long and narrow Hel Peninsula. Staying in one of the hotels in Jastarnia allows you to take advantage of the Baltic Sea, as well as Gdansk Bay, with the opportunity to learn or practise your windsurfing and kitesurfing skills. One should take into consideration that Jastarnia is rather small and has a limited accommodation base, so it is recommended booking a hotel in Jastarnia well in advance.
    Jastarnia is the vacation destination of Polish presidents, who traditionally spend part of their summer vacations here on the Baltic Sea. Learn more about Jastarnia hotels and reserve them with STAYPOLAND.

    Hotels Jastarnia

    Check our best accommodation offers in Jastarnia


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