Wieliczka hotels


If you are looking for the hotels in Wieliczka with the best location, we recommend those in the centre of town. Hotels in this area of Wieliczka offer convenient accommodation close to all of the important places in town, including the Medieval salt mines, providing good conditions for all visitors to the city.

    Near Centre

    As Wieliczka is a rather small town, hotels near its centre are still quite close to all of the main attractions. Besides that, they provide good accommodation for those who are planning to travel further on to Krakow, Zakopane, Auschwitz or anywhere else.

    • North

    Outside Wieliczka

  • Dobczyce
  • Wieliczka hotel market

    Wieliczka is famous for its ancient salt mine, a great attraction unparalleled anywhere in Poland or Europe. There are only a handful of hotels in Wieliczka, because most guests visit while staying in Zakopane or Krakow. Wieliczka hotels provide a high enough standard of accommodation. In the high season, you may find that all Krakow hotels are fully booked, in which case please consider Wieliczka as a close alternative.
    Recently it has become fashionable to spend a week’s spa holiday in Wieliczka mine. If you are interested in this option, please contact us for more details and special Wieliczka hotel rates.

    Hotels Wieliczka

    Check our best accommodation offers in Wieliczka



    Starting from:75 EUR


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